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Friday, October 2, 2009

Pancreatic Diseases - Avoid the Cancer

Author: Peter Melamed Ph.D.

Source: ezinearticles.com

Pancreatic cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer death in the United States as well as around the world. According to the American Cancer Society, about 38,000 people are diagnosed with pancreatic malignancy and approximately 34,000 people die from this disease every year. Roughly 5 percent of people diagnosed with this type of cancer will survive five years from diagnosis, according to the American Cancer Society. Even after surgery in the more hopeful cases, however, this cancer has a high recurrence rate.Two recent high-profile patients include actor Patrick Swayze and Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Justice Ruth Ginsburg returned to the Supreme Court bench after operation for pancreatic cancer. Ginsburg, who is 75, was diagnosed with cancer of pancreas in the beginning of February and surgeons removed a small tumor that had not spread. Doctors say she has a good chance of recovery. We all wish Justice Ruth Ginsburg good health, but what came to peoples mind, particularly ones with chronic pancreatitis, when they read this news? "What should I do to avoid that?"There are certain risk factors of pancreatic cancer including:Age: A large amount of these cancers occur in people over the age of 60. 70% are older than age 65Smoking: Cigarette smokers are two times more likely than nonsmokers to develop this cancer.Health condition: Pancreatic cancer occurs more often in people who have diabetes, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, surgery to the upper digestive tract and, evidently, chronic pancreatitis. Diet: There is a link between the cancer and high sugar and high saturated fat diet that include a lot of red meat, pork, and processed meat (such as sausage and bacon). From another hand, some studies have found that diets high in fruits and vegetables may help reduce the risk of pancreatic tumor. Work exposure: Heavy exposure at work or at home to some things (toxic chemicals, solvents, chemicals related to gasoline, pesticides, dyes, and ionizing radiation) may increase the risk of the cancer of pancreas. Family history: Cancer of the pancreas seems to run in some families. Also, a family history of colon or ovarian cancer increases the risk of pancreatic one.Alcohol. About 7 out of 10 cases of chronic pancreatitis are due to long term heavy drinking. Chronic pancreatitis is a known a big risk factor for the pancreatic tumor. Being overweight or obese raises a person's risk of pancreatic malignancy. This is especially true for people who have a belly fat. This is a symptom of insulin resistance or metabolic syndrome and this disease raises the risk of several types of cancer including breast and colon, as well as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and other conditions. Overweight people are more likely to develop this cancer, as are those who don't get much exercise.Pancreatic cancer occurs when abnormal, cancerous cells grow in the tissues of the pancreas mainly in the ducts that carry pancreatic juices. About three-quarters of tumors of the pancreas arise in the head and neck of the pancreas - the anatomic parts through which the pancreatic duct runs just before it meets the duodenum. In this place bile and pancreatic ducts merge each other before entering the duodenum and mix of pancreatic juice and bile enter in the duodenum throughout special valve called the Sphincter of Oddi. What is very important that pressure into the pancreatic duct is normally higher than in bile duct, thus bile normally can not reach pancreatic cells. Even just a small amount of bile in pancreatic duct causes activation of digestive enzymes inside the pancreas which leads to self digestion of tissue and inflammation - pancreatitis.Spasm or blockage of the Sphincter of Oddi may cause back up of the bile and also of the pancreatic juice, increasing of pressure inside the pancreatic duct. Trapped inside the pancreas digestive enzymes start to digest their own pancreatic cells causing congestion, inflammation, pain, cysts and finally death of pancreatic tissue. The persistent inflammation and congestion may also cause cells' mutation and cancer.What may help this way to lower risk of pancreatic cancer?Acupuncture can normalize the function of liver, gallbladder and pancreas, open bile and pancreatic passages and valves. Acupuncture improves microcirculation and immunity, decreases pain and stress.Healing mineral water prepared from the Karlovy Vary Thermal Spring Salt has a hundreds, Cancer Cure and Treatment, years of using in people with pancreatic problems in Europe. Drinking this mineral water decreases congestion and pancreatic juice's back up, promote proper acid alkaline balance, improves digestion and normalizes activity of digestive enzymes.Herbal Medicine has a long history of using in people with pancreatic problems.Hypnosis and Acupuncture help to avoid smoking, stop drinking alcohol, etc.Nutritional supplements can decrease oxidative stress, inflammation, pain, promote digestion.Proper organic alkaline Pancreatic Diet can decrease acidity, diminish inner toxicity and irritation of the pancreas,.Regular exercises, chiropractic manipulations and point massage can improve regulation and function of pancreas. Restoration of friendly intestinal flora by using Colon, Cancer Cure and Treatment, Hydrotherapy and Probiotics promotes digestion, improve immunity and well-being.Whole Body Cleansing means decreasing the inner toxicity and improving the natural body's detoxification.Pancreatic cancer is easy to prevent than treat, especially in predisposal people. Of course, early detection of cancer is as important as ever. People who have chronic pancreatitis are at a higher risk of developing cancer. On the contrary, improving the health of pancreas may help to prevent of developing pancreatic malignancy. The chain reaction: acute pancreatitis - chronic pancreatitis - pancreatic cancer can be really slow down by changing life style and using alternative medicine.The information on this article is presented for educational, informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment and advice of a qualified licensed professional.

Peter Melamed, Ph.D. received his medical education first as a registered nurse and then as a medical doctor in Russia. He took specialized training in anesthesiology, intensive care, and internal medicine. Working as a physician he became interested in holistic healing through his clinical experience with herbs, acupuncture, healing mineral water and internal cleansing. He was granted a license to practice acupuncture in Russia in 1978, and from that time he combined conventional Western medical treatment with herbs, acupuncture, and other non-drug healing therapies. In 1975, Peter Melamed established Biotherapy as a natural holistic approach to healing. Biotherapy combines the wisdom of traditional Russian folk medicine, ancient Oriental medical therapies, and European naturopathy with cutting-edge Western technology.

After immigrating to the USA and passing all the exams Peter Melamed succeeded in starting up a private practice in 1996 at the Biotherapy Alternative Medicine Clinic of San Francisco Bay Area. Get more info at http://www.biotherapy-clinic.com/GI_Chronic_Pancreatitis.html

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